
Deutsche Telekom’s 5G mmWave Revolution: A Leap for Industrial Connectivity

Deutsche Telekom’s 5G mmWave Revolution: A Leap for Industrial Connectivity

Deutsche Telekom is breaking new ground by successfully trialing 5G millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies at 26 gigahertz (GHz) in industrial settings. This pioneering move is set to redefine how industries leverage 5G technology, promising a future of unprecedented connectivity and efficiency.

5G mmWave: The Game Changer for Industrial Applications

In its recent trials, Deutsche Telekom showcased the immense potential of 5G mmWave in the industrial sector. By integrating these high-frequency bands with existing mid-band 5G campus networks, industrial customers can now unlock a new realm of possibilities. The trials were notably conducted at the Ger4tech Mechatronik Center, where autonomous machines and robots were seamlessly networked using a 5G router.

The integration of mmWave technology, supported by Telit Cinterion, enabled these machines to operate with unparalleled connectivity. Unlike traditional 5G frequencies, mmWave boasts a short coverage range but offers significantly higher bandwidth and speeds, making it ideal for complex industrial tasks that demand real-time data transmission.

Benefits of 5G mmWave in Industrial Environments

The primary advantage of 5G mmWave lies in its ability to handle large volumes of data with minimal latency. This capability is crucial for industries that rely on real-time data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) applications. As Klaus Werner, Managing Director of Business Customers at Telekom Deutschland GmbH, highlights, “In the age of artificial intelligence, the ability to upload and analyze data from machines in real-time is vital for introducing AI applications sensibly and efficiently.”

By adopting 5G mmWave, industries can expect a significant boost in productivity and innovation. Marco Contento, VP of Product Management at Telit Cinterion, elaborated on this, stating, “Through the seamless integration of 5G mmWave into their operations, every device and process can achieve connectivity at an unprecedented scale. We’re helping to pave the way for industries to streamline operations and anticipate maintenance needs.”

Regulatory Landscape and Future Prospects

In Germany, the Federal Network Agency allocates the 26 GHz spectrum exclusively to interested parties for local applications. This regulatory framework ensures that industrial players can utilize this spectrum for specialized, high-performance connectivity solutions.

Meanwhile, the UK is on the verge of making similar advancements. Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, launched a consultation in April to explore the allocation of mmWave frequencies. The industry eagerly awaits the outcomes of this consultation, which will determine the future landscape of 5G mmWave deployment in the UK.

What is the future?

Deutsche Telekom’s successful trial of 5G mmWave frequencies marks a significant milestone in the evolution of industrial connectivity. By leveraging the high-speed, low-latency capabilities of mmWave, industries can enhance their operational efficiency, integrate AI applications more effectively, and drive innovation. As regulatory frameworks continue to evolve, the widespread adoption of 5G mmWave technology is poised to transform industrial sectors globally, ushering in a new era of connectivity and productivity.

Photo by Alonso Reyes on Unsplash

Maciej Biegajewski

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