
Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/LTE/3G (January 2023)

Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/LTE/3G (January 2023)

The new year has begun, and it’s time to review and summarize the mobile internet speed in Poland in January 2023.

In January, we reported 512,469 measurements with the help of the RFBENCHMARK community. The 5G technology is growing, with a 9.6% share of all measurements taken by our app users, compared to 5.62% last month. The majority of measurements were taken using 4G LTE technology (84.63%), while 5.77% of testers used WCDMA technology.

READ ALSO: Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/4G LTE/3G – A big summary of 2022

The most popular operators in January were Play (32.5%) and Orange (32.4%). Fewer measurements were taken on the Plus (18.1%) and T-Mobile (17.0%) networks.

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Mobile Internet in Poland – What was the situation like in December 2022?

At the end of the year, Plus dominated the average data download speed for 5G with a result of 145.1 Mbps. Orange was the winner for the average data upload speed for 5G (35.1 Mbps), and Play had the lowest average ping value for 5G (27 ms).

In terms of 4G LTE performance, Orange overtook T-Mobile with a result of 41.6 Mbps for average data download speed. Play was the leader in average data upload speed (22.6 Mbps) and average ping value (29.1 ms).

The state of mobile Internet in Poland in January 2023

5G performance

Average data download speed: Plus (151.8 Mbps)

Plus leads the pack with a remarkable average data download speed of 151.8 Mbps, far ahead of its competitors. Orange follows in second place with 59.7 Mbps, and Play in third with 56.5 Mbps. T-Mobile brings up the rear with 49 Mbps.

Average data upload speed: Orange (36.4 Mbps)

The winner for average data upload speed in the 5G category is Orange with 36.4 Mbps, followed closely by Play with 35.8 Mbps. T-Mobile came in third with 32.7 Mbps, while Plus had the lowest result with 25.9 Mbps.

Lowest ping value: Orange (27.3 ms)

In terms of ping value, there was a slight reshuffle. Orange came out on top with 27.3 ms, beating out Play with 27.9 ms. T-Mobile came in third with 30.2 ms, and Plus had the highest result at 37 ms.

Download (5G)
Upload (5G)
Download (5G)
Upload (5G)

4G LTE performance

Average data download speed: Orange (42.6 Mbps)

Orange remains at the top of the list for average data download speed for LTE category with 42.6 Mbps. T-Mobile follows in second place with 41.5 Mbps, and Play with 40.2 Mbps. Plus closed the ranking with 33.2 Mbps.

Average data upload speed: Play (22.3 Mbps)

The situation is similar in the category of average data upload speed. Play has an advantage over the other three operators. In January, T-Mobile and Orange tied for second place with 20 Mbps each, while Plus had the lowest result of 17.6 Mbps.

Lowest ping value: Play (29.9 ms)

In terms of latency, Play had the lowest ping value of 29.9 ms. Orange came in close second with 30.1 ms. T-Mobile won the bronze medal with a result of 33.6 ms, while Plus had to leave empty-handed (39.2 ms).

Download (LTE)
Upload (LTE)
Download (LTE)
Upload (LTE)

3G performance

Download (3G)
Upload (3G)
Download (3G)
Upload (3G)

5G/4G LTE/3G Leaderboard


Parameter measuredOrangePlayPlusT-Mobile
Data download speed10.2 Mbps10.9 Mbps11.1 Mbps13.7 Mbps
Data upload speed4.9 Mbps4.9 Mbps4.4 Mbps5.2 Mbps
Ping36.1 ms35.9 ms46.3 ms41.2 ms
Number of measurements8672577584343488


Parameter measuredOrangePlayPlusT-Mobile
Data download speed42.6 Mbps40.2 Mbps33.2 Mbps41.5 Mbps
Data upload speed20.0 Mbps22.3 Mbps17.6 Mbps20.0 Mbps
Ping30.1 ms29.9 ms39.2 ms33.6 ms
Number of measurements1462991407717382772792


Mierzony parametrOrangePlayPlusT-Mobile
Szybkość pobierania danych10,2 Mbps10,9 Mbps11,1 Mbps13,7 Mbps
Szybkość wysyłania danych4,9 Mbps4,9 Mbps4,4 Mbps5,2 Mbps
Ping36,1 ms35,9 ms46,3 ms41,2 ms
Liczba pomiarów8672577584343488

How did we collect data for the ranking?

The measurements are collected from the users of our mobile app. It allows us to measure basic mobile network parameters – including signal level and quality depending on the technology used by the mobile device, information about the mobile network operator, or the country where the smartphone is located. In addition, on-demand measurements of data download and upload speeds, as well as a latency test, are performed.

When the app notices a low-quality voice call, lack of mobile Internet service, or other services, it has the ability to report the user’s current position where the problem occurred.

Help us create the report on the quality and speed of mobile Internet in Poland!

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Maciej Biegajewski

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