Turkmenistan’s Telecom Crisis: Altyn Asyr’s Monopoly and Mismanagement

Turkmenistan’s Telecom Crisis: Altyn Asyr’s Monopoly and Mismanagement

Turkmenistan’s sole mobile network operator, Altyn Asyr, is lagging technologically by at least a decade compared to the rest of the world. The operator, managed by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s cousin-in-law, Shihmurat Shaharliyev, is notorious for its inefficient and centralized management. Unlike other state-run communication firms like Turkmentelecom and AGTS, which have structured hierarchies and clear decision-making processes, Altyn Asyr operates under Shaharliyev’s singular control, stalling progress.

New Network, Same Old Problems

Over six months ago, Altyn Asyr launched a new network with phone numbers beginning with the code 71, aiming to address the chronic shortage of SIM cards and curb their black market trade. However, the situation remains unchanged. The portal turkmen.news suggests that if there truly is a SIM card shortage, introducing codes 72, 73, or 74 could alleviate the issue.

Code 71: A Digital Black Hole

Numbers starting with 71 face additional issues—they are not recognized by several international services, including the popular messaging app WeChat. For these platforms, numbers with this code simply do not exist. Furthermore, relatives of Shaharliyev are reportedly selling “golden” numbers (sequences of identical digits) for exorbitant prices, with proceeds pocketed privately rather than benefiting the company.

Squandered Loans and Stagnant Tech Advancement

In 2021, the Islamic Development Bank extended a $273 million loan to Turkmenistan to enhance its Internet infrastructure. Despite this substantial financial backing, progress has been agonizingly slow, and the debt remains unpaid. Altyn Asyr has yet to roll out VoLTE technology, introduced globally a decade ago, and still lacks comprehensive 3G network deployment—a standard considered obsolete and being dismantled in many countries.

The Ousting of MTS and Shady Hospitality Ventures

Until 2019, the Russian mobile network MTS operated in Turkmenistan but was expelled due to actions by Shaharliyev and his father-in-law, billionaire Annazar Rejepov. Additionally, Shaharliyev oversees a network of cafes, restaurants, and nightclubs that operate round-the-clock despite official bans, evading any regulatory checks.

Exiled Media and Unveiling Realities

Turkmen.news, run by exiled Turkmens from the Netherlands, is one of the few sources providing honest insights into the country’s true conditions. The portal is avidly read by officials in Ashgabat, given that state-controlled media and the leader’s entourage prefer to sugarcoat reality and flatter the leadership.

The telecommunications monopoly of Altyn Asyr, coupled with technological backwardness and inept management, significantly hampers Turkmenistan’s progress. Without implementing necessary reforms and transparent governance, the situation in this sector is unlikely to improve anytime soon.

Source: turkmen.news
Photo by Григорий Захарьян on Unsplash

Maciej Biegajewski

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