
Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/LTE (November 2023)

Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/LTE (November 2023)

As we approach the year’s end, the scenery outside our windows has transformed dramatically – tree branches now stand bare, and the streets are adorned with a delicate blanket of snowflakes. Yet, before we immerse ourselves in the festive spirit of Christmas shopping and start drafting summaries and plans for the upcoming year, let’s delve into the state of the mobile Internet market in Poland as of November 2023.

In November, the total count of mobile internet measurements in Poland reached 621,388, marking a slight decrease of just over 1% compared to the figures recorded in October.

READ ALSO: Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/4G LTE/3G – A big summary of 2022

Out of these, 92,391 measurements, representing about 14.86%, were conducted using the advanced 5G technology. Meanwhile, 4G LTE technology continued to be the most widely used, accounting for 503,444 readings, which is about 81% of the total measurements.

In terms of network usage, Orange led the pack, contributing to 33.1% of the overall measurements. Play followed closely with 32%, while Plus and T-Mobile captured 18.3% and 16.5% of the measurements, respectively.

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Mobile Internet in Poland – What was the situation like in October 2023?

October saw no significant shifts in the rankings of Poland’s mobile operators.

Once more, Plus led the way in 5G download speeds, clocking in at 138.3 Mbps and securing its position at the top. Play, on the other hand, took the lead in the average 5G upload speed category and recorded the lowest 5G ping value, showcasing its strengths in these areas.

The 4G LTE sector displayed a similar pattern of stability. T-Mobile continued to outperform in average LTE download speeds, reaching 41.3 Mbps. Play mirrored its 5G success in the LTE field, leading in both the average LTE upload speed at 22.3 Mbps and the lowest LTE ping at 29.8 ms.

Check out the state of mobile Internet in Poland in October 2023

The state of mobile Internet in Poland in November 2023

5G performance

Average data download speed: Plus (138.7 Mbps)

Plus maintained its lead in the average 5G download speed category with a speed of 138.7 Mbps, a small step up from October’s 138.3 Mbps. This consistency keeps Plus at the forefront of 5G download speeds since these measurements were introduced.

T-Mobile held onto its second-place position with a stable performance of 52.8 Mbps. There was a minor shuffle for the third spot; Play, with a speed of 52.5 Mbps, edged ahead of Orange, which recorded 49.4 Mbps, to take the third position.

Average data upload speed: Play (39.9 Mbps)

Play continued to dominate in the average 5G upload speed, marking its third consecutive month as the leader in this category with a result of 39.9 Mbps.

The following positions saw T-Mobile at 36.6 Mbps and Orange at 34.6 Mbps, with Plus trailing at 29.6 Mbps.

Lowest ping value: Plus (27.3 ms)

The most significant shift in the November report was in the lowest ping value category. Plus emerged as the new leader, registering a ping of 27.3 ms. Play followed closely with 28.3 ms, and Orange took the third place with 29.1 ms. T-Mobile, this time, found itself in the last spot with a ping of 29.9 ms.

Pobieranie danych (5G)
Wysyłanie danych (5G)
Pobieranie danych (5G)
Wysyłanie danych (5G)

4G LTE performance

Average data download speed: T-Mobile (41.8 Mbps)

T-Mobile sustained its top position in the average LTE download speed category, recording 41.8 Mbps in November. Play held onto its second-place ranking with a speed of 37.6 Mbps, followed by Orange at 35.1 Mbps. Plus came in fourth place, registering a speed of 33.3 Mbps.

Average data upload speed: Play (22.9 Mbps)

In the 4G LTE upload speed category, Play continued its lead, achieving a top speed of 22.9 Mbps. T-Mobile followed with a solid 19.9 Mbps, narrowly outpacing Orange’s 19.1 Mbps. Plus rounded out the group with a speed of 17.4 Mbps.

Lowest ping value: Play (28.9 ms)

Play also led the field in the lowest ping category for 4G LTE, posting a result of 28.9 ms. This performance placed Play slightly ahead of Orange, which came in at 30.2 ms. T-Mobile and Plus completed the rankings with ping values of 34.8 ms and 38.5 ms, respectively.

Pobieranie danych (LTE)
Wysyłanie danych (LTE)
Pobieranie danych (LTE)
Wysyłanie danych (LTE)

5G/4G LTE Leaderboard


Mierzony parametrOrangePlayPlusT-Mobile
Szybkość pobierania danych49,4 Mbps52,5 Mbps138,7 Mbps52,8 Mbps
Szybkość wysyłania danych34,6 Mbps39,9 Mbps29,6 Mbps36,6 Mbps
Ping29,1 ms28,3 ms27,3 ms29,9 ms
Liczba pomiarów23615259212499117864


Mierzony parametrOrangePlayPlusT-Mobile
Szybkość pobierania danych35,1 Mbps37,6 Mbps33,3 Mbps41,8 Mbps
Szybkość wysyłania danych19,1 Mbps22,9 Mbps17,4 Mbps19,9 Mbps
Ping30,2 ms28,9 ms38,5 ms34,8 ms
Liczba pomiarów1752021683317644083471

How did we collect data for the ranking?

The measurements are collected from the users of our mobile app. It allows us to measure basic mobile network parameters – including signal level and quality depending on the technology used by the mobile device, information about the mobile network operator, or the country where the smartphone is located. In addition, on-demand measurements of data download and upload speeds, as well as a latency test, are performed.

When the app notices a low-quality voice call, lack of mobile Internet service, or other services, it has the ability to report the user’s current position where the problem occurred.

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Maciej Biegajewski

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