
Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/LTE (December 2023)

Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/LTE (December 2023)

As 2023 draws to a close, we find ourselves in the familiar territory of year-end reflections, analyses, and the crafting of ambitious plans for the future. But before we present our usual yearly review of mobile internet in Poland, let’s take a moment to focus on the situation as it stood in December.

In the last month of the year, we gathered 475,490 measurements through our RFBENCHMARK app. This number shows a significant drop from November. It’s important to remember that this decrease is typical for the holiday season, with Christmas and New Year’s festivities often impacting regular patterns.

READ ALSO: Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/4G LTE/3G – A big summary of 2022

December saw a total of 70,651 tests taken using 5G technology, accounting for about 14.86% of all measurements. Meanwhile, 4G LTE technology continued to dominate, with 392,672 readings, making up roughly 82.58% of the month’s total tests.

Focusing on network usage, Orange led the charge, contributing to 33% of the measurements. Play was hot on its heels with 32.5%, while Plus captured 17.5% of the total. T-Mobile rounded out the field, securing a 17% share of December’s measurements.

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Mobile internet in Poland – What was the situation like in November 2023?

In the 5G download speed category for December, Plus held onto its top spot, clocking in at 138.7 Mbps, a slight uptick from the previous month. T-Mobile and Play were neck and neck for the runner-up positions, recording 52.8 Mbps and 52.5 Mbps, respectively, while Orange trailed with 49.4 Mbps. In the 5G upload speed category, Play continued to lead the pack with an impressive 39.9 Mbps, outpacing T-Mobile, Orange, and Plus. Plus clinched the title for the lowest ping in the 5G network, registering a swift 27.3 ms.

Shifting to 4G LTE performance, T-Mobile maintained its lead in average download speeds, reaching 41.8 Mbps. Hot on its heels were Play, Orange, and Plus. Play retained the top spot in the average LTE upload speed category, achieving 22.9 Mbps, and continued to dominate in the lowest ping category with a remarkable 28.9 ms.

Read more: Mobile Internet in Poland 5G/LTE (November 2023)

The state of mobile Internet in Poland in December 2023

5G performance

Average data download speed: Plus (142.1 Mbps)

December wrapped up with Plus firmly in the lead for average 5G download speeds, marking a significant jump from the previous month to 142.1 Mbps. This result solidified Plus’s position at the top of the leaderboard.

In the race for second place, Play put up a strong showing with 57.2 Mbps, while T-Mobile followed closely at 54.4 Mbps. Orange, with a close 53 Mbps, rounded out the list, highlighting the tight competition among the operators.

Average data upload speed: Play (45.5 Mbps)

Continuing its dominance in the average 5G upload speed category, Play maintained its top position with an impressive 45.5 Mbps, marking a significant increase of 5.6 Mbps from the previous month.

Following in second place was T-Mobile, registering a solid 38.7 Mbps. Orange was not far behind, securing a close 38 Mbps. Plus, while lagging in this particular category, still managed a respectable 31.4 Mbps.

Lowest ping value: Orange (25.2 ms)

The battle for the lowest ping value in the 5G network saw a new champion in December. Orange claimed the top spot with an excellent ping of 25.2 ms, dethroning last month’s leader, Plus, which came in a close second at 26 ms. Play took the third position with 27.9 ms, and T-Mobile completed the lineup with 31.7 ms.

Dowload (5G)
Upload (5G)
Dowload (5G)
Upload (5G)

4G LTE performance

Average data download speed:  T-Mobile (42.9 Mbps)

T-Mobile held its ground at the forefront of the LTE download speed category, clocking in at 42.9 Mbps for November.

In the runner-up position, Play delivered a strong performance with 39.2 Mbps, while Orange secured the third spot with 35.3 Mbps. Bringing up the rear was Plus with a speed of 34.6 Mbps.

Average data upload speed: Play (23.8 Mbps)

Continuing its streak, Play led the 4G LTE upload speed category, reaching 23.8 Mbps. This marked a notable increase of 1 Mbps from November’s figures.

T-Mobile claimed the second place with 20.6 Mbps, just ahead of Orange, which mirrored its previous performance with 19.2 Mbps. Plus closed the ranking with 18.2 Mbps.

Lowest ping value: Play (28.9 ms)

Play again clinched the top spot in the lowest ping category, achieving a swift 28.9 ms.

Orange followed closely with a marginally higher 29.6 ms. T-Mobile was next in line with 35.3 ms, and Plus completed the lineup, registering a ping of 38.5 ms.

Download (LTE)
Upload (LTE)
Download (LTE)
Upload (LTE)

5G/4G LTE Leaderboard


Measured parameterOrangePlayPlusT-Mobile
Data download speed53.0 Mbps57.2 Mbps142.1 Mbps54.4 Mbps
Data upload speed38.0 Mbps45.5 Mbps31.4 Mbps38.7 Mbps
Ping25.2 ms27.9 ms26.0 ms31.7ms
Number of measurements18650192831964113077


Measured parameterOrangePlayPlusT-Mobile
Data download speed35.3 Mbps39.2 Mbps34.6 Mbps42.9 Mbps
Data upload speed19.2 Mbps23.8 Mbps18.2 Mbps20.6 Mbps
Ping29.6 ms28.9 ms38.5 ms35.3 ms
Number of measurements1341181328665861767071

How did we collect data for the ranking?

The measurements are collected from the users of our mobile app. It allows us to measure basic mobile network parameters – including signal level and quality depending on the technology used by the mobile device, information about the mobile network operator, or the country where the smartphone is located. In addition, on-demand measurements of data download and upload speeds, as well as a latency test, are performed.

When the app notices a low-quality voice call, lack of mobile Internet service, or other services, it has the ability to report the user’s current position where the problem occurred.

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Maciej Biegajewski

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